Friday, October 7, 2011

What happened?

One day this boy named Bobby woke up and realized he had no hand. It looked like it had been cut off. It didn't hurt where his hand use to be. He tried to think of how he lost his hand. He was having a few drinks with his friends and one thing led to another. He doesn't remember anything after taking his fifth shot. He starts calling all the people he was with the night before. No one is answering their phones. He becomes a little worried. He starts thinking if i lost my hand what happened to all of my friends. He goes downstairs and turns on the tv. He is watching the news. There is something about an oil spill. He changes the channel to another news station. Suddenly, he sees the new iPhone 4s came out today. He then hears "Coming up after the break, three guys were killed last night in a stabbing. Cops are still looking for the suspect." He realizes that that was him. When his friends pictures came up on the screen he Knew what he had done. He quickly gathers his things and what he needs to survive. He throws them in the truck and leaves his house. While he is driving he sees a cop behind him so he gets paranoid. He speeds up and the cop chases after him. After a couple minutes he looks in his mirror and sees seven more cops behind him. He is desperately trying to get away. When suddenly he smashes into a pole. All he hears is "Hey are you ok? Hello?" He feels a push on his left shoulder. His eyes open really quick and he sees his son standing over him. "Dad were you having a bad dream or something, you were tossing and turning and you were sleep talking."

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