Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Current events post: identity theft

  That is crazy how that guy had over 300,000 peoples personal information. That makes me think. What if some  weird creeper has my personal info. That's kind of weird. I think i might delete my facebook because of this. I don't want someone to know everything about me if I dont know them or don't want them to. People should keep all there stuff on facebook set to private.
   Also they said something about how the person made an account in other peoples names. If someone made a account of me i would be really mad. They can get all of my info by talking to all my friends and going through my messages. I wish there was a program that blocked all your personal stuff from people who hack stuff. I wouldn't have to worry about some dude knowing where I live and what I do. you have to put a lot of passwords  in every time you want to read your messages and stuff. That would be good but bad. People would get annoyed really fast. Anyway this whole thing really freaks me out. This is how people start getting stalked. The person finds out all of the info about that person and finds out where they live. Some websites make it easy for someone to find out someone else's info. I want to lock all of my stuff up so no creeper pedophile dude can stalk me and take my identity.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah the internet is a dangerous place, but don't get too paranoid.
    Actually, you may want to get paranoid.
    Hackers are getting better and better and it's essentially doubtless that there are hackers out there skilled enough to breach our country's security system. In fact, it's happened before!
    Personally I hate being tracked by these fat cat companies who use my personal information for statistics and marketing research. But there isn't really anything you can do.
