Monday, October 24, 2011

Catching fire chapter summary

   In the last chapter Presient Snow came to visit Katniss. He told her that what she did was a big mistake and she had to fix it. He thinks because she defied the capital that there will be more uprises. He said he would have Gale killed if she didn't make everyone believe that she only did that because she was madly in love. He has to make everyone beleive and can't even tell Gale or Peeta or anyone she knows.
   This chapter is her just getting ready to go to the capital. Her stylists get her looking back to descent because she hasen't really been worrying about her looks. She sees Peeta and has to act like she loves him. He really loves her but she doesn't feel the same way. She doesn't want a boyfriend. She has to think of away to scam every district into beleiving her lie. As they are taking a train, Katniss decides to she had to tell someone about what she had to do. She couldn't tell Peeta because he would get sad because she is only lying to him. He would understand and go along but not feek right about it. The other person she could tell is Cinna. He is one of her friend and is the stylist that got her ready for the Hunger Games. She can trust him. The last person is Haymetch. He trained her in the Games. She ends up telling Haymetch when the train was fueling up. He told her if she commits to this then she has to marry Peeta because the capital would check in on them.

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