Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Response Posts

  Why do we have to do response posts? They are pointless. I can't even find a post that i would respond to. They all are really boring and don't really connect to me. It would be easier if he just gave us topics to do. I can write about something if I have a topic.
  Do we really need to read each others work? I don't want to have to read others people work because I'm trying to concentrate on my work. I want to get my stuff done and not have to worry about going into Google reader and reading and writing a post on someone else's not interesting blog. It takes up too much time and you have to think about what the person said and try to respond to it in your own words. I don't think that we should be doing this.
  Even tho its homework it is still pointless to have to make a response post. I think all of it is pointless besides the current events post. Even tho i don't do them they still are the best because they teach you more about something that is going on in the world right now. Current event posts are the hardest because they take more effort to make a good 250 word blog on a video you just watched or a news feed that you read. At least you're learning something tho.
  I think we should just have to do a free post and a current events post and not have to worry about a stupid response post.

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