Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Response Post: Oakland

 I hate how white people got to stare at me and my friends when we at stores .- Vincent Ly

i agree with Vincent. Everyone in Alameda looks at us like we are wanted or something. Why? Because we look different and we talk different. We wouldn't have a problem with you if you didn't stare at us. Oakland is not a bad place. I was born and raised in the bay. People look at me as if I'm gonna kill them just because my pants are off my ass and because i wear big shirts. This really irritates me. I thought people in Alameda were alright but now i realize that they are judgmental and don't are about you. If they had the chance they would remove every person that looks "ghetto". I don't feel like everyone is watching me when I'm in Oakland. I can walk around and not have to worry about feeling outta place or anything because everyone or mostly everyone dresses the same and has the same appearance. i like it out there a lot and I'm more comfortable there. I live in Alameda. I hate it because i hate mostly everyone here. Everyone here is fake and i can't relate to any of them. I only have a few friends that know what i mean. 

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