Tuesday, October 18, 2011


 I get so bored when I'm at home. I hate not being around my friends. Being home is the worst. I have nothing to do but sit on Facebook and text people. There isn't anything fun in my house to do. At almost anytime of the day i want t be with my friends. I can't always be with them because my parents don't let me stay out late. They say i have homework and stuff to do. I want to stay out late and kick it with my friends.
  Sometimes I'm bored when I'm with my friends too. We aren't always doing something so I get bored. We post it somewhere we don't do anything. We also wait for friends outside their house and they take really long so    I get bored. I have to be doing something to not get bored. I always have a bad time because there was nothing to do.
  Even tho I play sports and i like them a lot, they can get boring because I'm doing the same thing everyday. I can't play sports everyday because I feel like I'm just wasting my time if i play everyday. I love sports don't get me wrong but I cant't play them consistently without feeling bored of doing the same thing.
  I get bored really easily. I can lose interest in something really fast. If its not appealing to me I wont pay attention and not give it a chance. 

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