Friday, October 14, 2011


Its friday once again. As this year flies by all I notice are the Fridays. I can go kick it with my friends and stay out late. i can go anywhere and do anything. I don't have to worry about school. The best thing is that I don't have to worry about going home early. This Friday is the football game. I go with all my friends. We hang out before it starts then we go like twenty minutes into the game. We all kick it and have a good time for the night. Then we go home and sleep and eat. Its been really hot lately so tonight should be nice. I might not go to the game because my friend is having a party but I'm not sure yet. I will probably end up going to the game tho. The game is closer but I really want to go because all my main friends are going to be there. I might as well not go to the game and see whats happening at that party. I can't miss out on seeing my friends cause I don't know the next time we all going to be together again. I wonder what type of girls are going. I wanna get my fuck on. If there are any sexy girls there I'm gonna spit some game. If it happens then I know I made the right choice of going to the party. Alright well lets see how this night goes. Peace blog.

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