Friday, October 21, 2011

Catching Fire

   My independent reading book is called Catching Fire. It is the second book in the trilogy. The first book was about a girl named Katniss who was in these games to the death that the capitol set up. If you win you get a big house and not have to pay for it and free food and as much as you want and really rich. They people who played killed each other and the last person standing wins.Katniss won.
   The second book is about her life after the games. She is back from the games and its been a year since she last saw everyone they know. She is living in a victors village. That's where every person who won the games lived. There is one in each district. She and another boy won the games. He is her age and his name is Peeta. He is from the same district as Katniss. The only way they lived is because they picked up poisonous berries and stood back to back and were going to kill themselves so there is no winner. They have their normal life again but they have to deal with cameras a lot because they just won and they have to give a speech and stuff. After a few weeks of being back something happened. One day Katniss got home and her mom was acting funny  Two guys in suits came in and took her to a room. Inside the room she saw the president. He knows that she did the berries thing of a sign of rebellion towards the capitol. He said that he would have some of her friends killed if she didn't tell him if she is starting a rebellion against the capitol. That's all I have read so far.

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