Wednesday, October 12, 2011


School is the most boring thing I have ever had to sit threw. I get that we as students need to make good grades so we can have a good future and stuff. I just don't get that we have to do all of this work. We get piles of homework and we have to stay up late just to finish. I do not understand why we have homework. The teachers go to fast in class and make no sense. Then they expect us to be able to go home and do a shit load of homework. Its not like we have homework in just one class.We have homework in almost every class. Some classes are harder than the other classes. Some homework takes longer than other homework. I can do the easy stuff and some of the harder stuff but I can't get it all done. Then the tests are really hard. We have to remember everything we learned from the time period of two weeks. It would be easier if we only had one class a day so i can focus on only one subject instead of having to worry about three or four main subjects and one or two electives. I would be able to do the homework and remember what we specifically learned that day appose to trying to remember what we did and what we learned in three or more subjects. I hate school.

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