Wednesday, October 12, 2011


My parents are fucking annoying. They don't ever stop to hear what i have to say about anything. They just keeps talking and cutting me off. I want to be able to get my word in. That makes me mad that they can't even give me a chance to explain myself. And when they do, they don't even believe me. My parents can't trust me because they don't think I'm trustworthy. That makes me want to punch them in the face. I'm not of course,but they get on my nerves. They expect me to be able to do everything. I'm only human. I have to do things one at a time and it takes me longer than usual to do things. Why can't they be more understanding? I try to prove them wrong but it takes a lot of work. They don't understand that other things are happening in my life that i want to deal with first before do anything else. I love my parents but they just don't know what its like. I have desires and school is not one of them. Its a priority. That doesn't mean I want to do it.

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