Monday, October 31, 2011


   How many people looked at this title and thought i was talking about alcohol. Well I'm not. I'm talking about normal drinks. Like CapriSun. That is one of my favorite drinks. I have liked this drink since i was really young. I  started drinking them because my brother was and i wanted to be like him. I don't want to be like him anymore though. My mom buys like four different boxes every time we go traveling. My favorite flavor is fruit punch. I like all the flavors. I like to chew on the straw after i am done with the drink. It is like chewing on gum with no taste. People ask me why i do it and i can't really tell them. I think all of my brothers and sisters chewed on the straw after drinking the juice.
   My other favorite drink is watermelon arizona. I get it all the time because it is a really big can for only 99 cents. It tastes really good and it fills me up if I do not have enough money to get some food. I like the fruit punch arizona but it does not compare to the watermelon. Mostly every store has this drink but some do not. That's when I have to settle with the fruit punch.
   I wish i could have a life time supply of these drinks. Maybe if I had it all day everyday then I would not like it as much.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Current events post: identity theft

  That is crazy how that guy had over 300,000 peoples personal information. That makes me think. What if some  weird creeper has my personal info. That's kind of weird. I think i might delete my facebook because of this. I don't want someone to know everything about me if I dont know them or don't want them to. People should keep all there stuff on facebook set to private.
   Also they said something about how the person made an account in other peoples names. If someone made a account of me i would be really mad. They can get all of my info by talking to all my friends and going through my messages. I wish there was a program that blocked all your personal stuff from people who hack stuff. I wouldn't have to worry about some dude knowing where I live and what I do. you have to put a lot of passwords  in every time you want to read your messages and stuff. That would be good but bad. People would get annoyed really fast. Anyway this whole thing really freaks me out. This is how people start getting stalked. The person finds out all of the info about that person and finds out where they live. Some websites make it easy for someone to find out someone else's info. I want to lock all of my stuff up so no creeper pedophile dude can stalk me and take my identity.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Catching fire chapter summary

   In the last chapter Presient Snow came to visit Katniss. He told her that what she did was a big mistake and she had to fix it. He thinks because she defied the capital that there will be more uprises. He said he would have Gale killed if she didn't make everyone believe that she only did that because she was madly in love. He has to make everyone beleive and can't even tell Gale or Peeta or anyone she knows.
   This chapter is her just getting ready to go to the capital. Her stylists get her looking back to descent because she hasen't really been worrying about her looks. She sees Peeta and has to act like she loves him. He really loves her but she doesn't feel the same way. She doesn't want a boyfriend. She has to think of away to scam every district into beleiving her lie. As they are taking a train, Katniss decides to she had to tell someone about what she had to do. She couldn't tell Peeta because he would get sad because she is only lying to him. He would understand and go along but not feek right about it. The other person she could tell is Cinna. He is one of her friend and is the stylist that got her ready for the Hunger Games. She can trust him. The last person is Haymetch. He trained her in the Games. She ends up telling Haymetch when the train was fueling up. He told her if she commits to this then she has to marry Peeta because the capital would check in on them.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Catching Fire

   My independent reading book is called Catching Fire. It is the second book in the trilogy. The first book was about a girl named Katniss who was in these games to the death that the capitol set up. If you win you get a big house and not have to pay for it and free food and as much as you want and really rich. They people who played killed each other and the last person standing wins.Katniss won.
   The second book is about her life after the games. She is back from the games and its been a year since she last saw everyone they know. She is living in a victors village. That's where every person who won the games lived. There is one in each district. She and another boy won the games. He is her age and his name is Peeta. He is from the same district as Katniss. The only way they lived is because they picked up poisonous berries and stood back to back and were going to kill themselves so there is no winner. They have their normal life again but they have to deal with cameras a lot because they just won and they have to give a speech and stuff. After a few weeks of being back something happened. One day Katniss got home and her mom was acting funny  Two guys in suits came in and took her to a room. Inside the room she saw the president. He knows that she did the berries thing of a sign of rebellion towards the capitol. He said that he would have some of her friends killed if she didn't tell him if she is starting a rebellion against the capitol. That's all I have read so far.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Current events post: Is grabbing a boob a crime?

I found this news feed here.

 Too Short is a rapper in Oakland and I'm not surprised that this happened. I'm not saying that he did it but I wouldn't be surprised if he did. He grabbed some girls boob during a concert. He was feeling the music and was in the zone and just did it. That's what I think. He didn't mean any harm and wasn't trying to rape her. He just got carried away.
  They said he leaned down to the crowd and just grabbed it. I don't think that happened because he doesn't seem that stupid to do that. She could just want money and blamed him for doing that. For all we know she was letting him do that and realized he could be arrested or she could get some money out of him because he is famous and rich.
  He also could have done it because he doesn't really care. He doesn't care what anyone thinks and he does whatever he wants. Why should he have to follow the rules he is rich and he is from the hood so its an excuse and no one is surprised.
  Also people like seeing famous people mess up in life because they don't see themselves as good enough. For all we know she made up the story just because she hates his music or thinks its offensive. She could just want to see him fail or go to jail. I don't think its true.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Response Posts

  Why do we have to do response posts? They are pointless. I can't even find a post that i would respond to. They all are really boring and don't really connect to me. It would be easier if he just gave us topics to do. I can write about something if I have a topic.
  Do we really need to read each others work? I don't want to have to read others people work because I'm trying to concentrate on my work. I want to get my stuff done and not have to worry about going into Google reader and reading and writing a post on someone else's not interesting blog. It takes up too much time and you have to think about what the person said and try to respond to it in your own words. I don't think that we should be doing this.
  Even tho its homework it is still pointless to have to make a response post. I think all of it is pointless besides the current events post. Even tho i don't do them they still are the best because they teach you more about something that is going on in the world right now. Current event posts are the hardest because they take more effort to make a good 250 word blog on a video you just watched or a news feed that you read. At least you're learning something tho.
  I think we should just have to do a free post and a current events post and not have to worry about a stupid response post.


 I get so bored when I'm at home. I hate not being around my friends. Being home is the worst. I have nothing to do but sit on Facebook and text people. There isn't anything fun in my house to do. At almost anytime of the day i want t be with my friends. I can't always be with them because my parents don't let me stay out late. They say i have homework and stuff to do. I want to stay out late and kick it with my friends.
  Sometimes I'm bored when I'm with my friends too. We aren't always doing something so I get bored. We post it somewhere we don't do anything. We also wait for friends outside their house and they take really long so    I get bored. I have to be doing something to not get bored. I always have a bad time because there was nothing to do.
  Even tho I play sports and i like them a lot, they can get boring because I'm doing the same thing everyday. I can't play sports everyday because I feel like I'm just wasting my time if i play everyday. I love sports don't get me wrong but I cant't play them consistently without feeling bored of doing the same thing.
  I get bored really easily. I can lose interest in something really fast. If its not appealing to me I wont pay attention and not give it a chance. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Oakland Raiders

 The Oakland Raiders are my favorite football team. By the way they are playing this year I think they will go to the playoffs. Their record is 4-2. They have a really hard division besides the Broncos. They suck. The Chiefs usually do really good but they aren't a threat so far.
 They have really good receivers. They have the best running back in the NFL, Darren McFadden. He really is a big part of the team because he does really good and when he gets in the open he is really fast. The quarterback Jason Campbell has lead them to many victories against really good teams. He is a really good team leader and has made the team play as a team. He broke his collarbone last game against the Cleveland Browns. He scrambled and he landed on his shoulder. The backup is not a good quarterback. They have another person who is a quarterback that might actually get things done. His name is Terrell Pryor. He is fast and has an accurate arm. They can use him.The next team they play is the Kansas City Chiefs. They aren't really doing good this year so The Raiders should win.
  I think the Raiders should be 6-0 or at least 5-1. The Bills beat us because the Raiders got cocky because they were winning. Now they know to play to the end. The Patriots almost lost to us because the Raiders were driving the ball. The only reason they lost is because they made a few crustal mistakes. Jason Campbell threw an interception in the end zone. I hope they do good this year.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Halloween should be fun. I don't no what I will be. I don't really want to do anything but all my friends want me to dress up. I guess I will then. To bad its on a school night. We have to be home because we have school the next day. I probably wont get home until midnight. I'm going to get a lot of candy. I bring a pillowcase to hold my candy. My favorite cany is kit kat bar and recees peanutbutter cups. I don't know where i'll be on Halloween but I'll definatly be with my friends or some girls. Last year on Halloween I didn't do anything. I think Halloween is a night to be with your friends and not stay inside. So many bad things happen on that night. A lot of fights. People being robed. People being killed. You have to watch out where you go and who you are with. I can't wait until Halloween, its going to be a crazy night. My friends are the perfect people t be with on Halloween because they are really funny and every time I'm with them I have a good time. Even tho we only walk around and get candy its still fun because you're with a lot of people you know and are comfortable around. Halloween is also a time to find a girl and have some amazing sex. Your night would be completely perfect if that happened. That's what I'm going to be doing on Halloween so bye.


Its friday once again. As this year flies by all I notice are the Fridays. I can go kick it with my friends and stay out late. i can go anywhere and do anything. I don't have to worry about school. The best thing is that I don't have to worry about going home early. This Friday is the football game. I go with all my friends. We hang out before it starts then we go like twenty minutes into the game. We all kick it and have a good time for the night. Then we go home and sleep and eat. Its been really hot lately so tonight should be nice. I might not go to the game because my friend is having a party but I'm not sure yet. I will probably end up going to the game tho. The game is closer but I really want to go because all my main friends are going to be there. I might as well not go to the game and see whats happening at that party. I can't miss out on seeing my friends cause I don't know the next time we all going to be together again. I wonder what type of girls are going. I wanna get my fuck on. If there are any sexy girls there I'm gonna spit some game. If it happens then I know I made the right choice of going to the party. Alright well lets see how this night goes. Peace blog.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Music is my life. I can't live without my iPod. I listen to my music everyday and all day. It helps me think about things. Anytime I fell mad I turn on my music beacause it clears my mind of all the bad things. I connect to most of the songs that I listen to. They make sense to me. I always need to have my iPod on me or I don't feel right. I get bored when I leave my iPod at home because I don't have any backround music which helps me stay in the flow of things. Some of the songs motivate me to get up and get things done instead of being lazy. The beat has to be perfect and the words have to make sense to motivate me. Plus the song has to connect to me in some way. I do things faster when im listening to my music because I feel like I can't be interupted or distracted. My favorite rapper is Lil Rue. He slaps so hard. He makes sense and he flows really good. My favorite genre is rap. I like the underground Oakland rappers. They have the bet music. All the mainstream artists are not even that good because they went mainstream. For example, Lil Wayne is one of the most known rappers. His music use to be good until he went super mainstream. Now I can't stand listening to his new songs. People like J Stalin, Shady Nate, Philthy Rich etc. are the people i can listen to and not be like "What the fuck is this."

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


School is the most boring thing I have ever had to sit threw. I get that we as students need to make good grades so we can have a good future and stuff. I just don't get that we have to do all of this work. We get piles of homework and we have to stay up late just to finish. I do not understand why we have homework. The teachers go to fast in class and make no sense. Then they expect us to be able to go home and do a shit load of homework. Its not like we have homework in just one class.We have homework in almost every class. Some classes are harder than the other classes. Some homework takes longer than other homework. I can do the easy stuff and some of the harder stuff but I can't get it all done. Then the tests are really hard. We have to remember everything we learned from the time period of two weeks. It would be easier if we only had one class a day so i can focus on only one subject instead of having to worry about three or four main subjects and one or two electives. I would be able to do the homework and remember what we specifically learned that day appose to trying to remember what we did and what we learned in three or more subjects. I hate school.


My parents are fucking annoying. They don't ever stop to hear what i have to say about anything. They just keeps talking and cutting me off. I want to be able to get my word in. That makes me mad that they can't even give me a chance to explain myself. And when they do, they don't even believe me. My parents can't trust me because they don't think I'm trustworthy. That makes me want to punch them in the face. I'm not of course,but they get on my nerves. They expect me to be able to do everything. I'm only human. I have to do things one at a time and it takes me longer than usual to do things. Why can't they be more understanding? I try to prove them wrong but it takes a lot of work. They don't understand that other things are happening in my life that i want to deal with first before do anything else. I love my parents but they just don't know what its like. I have desires and school is not one of them. Its a priority. That doesn't mean I want to do it.

Friday, October 7, 2011

What happened?

One day this boy named Bobby woke up and realized he had no hand. It looked like it had been cut off. It didn't hurt where his hand use to be. He tried to think of how he lost his hand. He was having a few drinks with his friends and one thing led to another. He doesn't remember anything after taking his fifth shot. He starts calling all the people he was with the night before. No one is answering their phones. He becomes a little worried. He starts thinking if i lost my hand what happened to all of my friends. He goes downstairs and turns on the tv. He is watching the news. There is something about an oil spill. He changes the channel to another news station. Suddenly, he sees the new iPhone 4s came out today. He then hears "Coming up after the break, three guys were killed last night in a stabbing. Cops are still looking for the suspect." He realizes that that was him. When his friends pictures came up on the screen he Knew what he had done. He quickly gathers his things and what he needs to survive. He throws them in the truck and leaves his house. While he is driving he sees a cop behind him so he gets paranoid. He speeds up and the cop chases after him. After a couple minutes he looks in his mirror and sees seven more cops behind him. He is desperately trying to get away. When suddenly he smashes into a pole. All he hears is "Hey are you ok? Hello?" He feels a push on his left shoulder. His eyes open really quick and he sees his son standing over him. "Dad were you having a bad dream or something, you were tossing and turning and you were sleep talking."

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Response Post: Oakland

 I hate how white people got to stare at me and my friends when we at stores .- Vincent Ly

i agree with Vincent. Everyone in Alameda looks at us like we are wanted or something. Why? Because we look different and we talk different. We wouldn't have a problem with you if you didn't stare at us. Oakland is not a bad place. I was born and raised in the bay. People look at me as if I'm gonna kill them just because my pants are off my ass and because i wear big shirts. This really irritates me. I thought people in Alameda were alright but now i realize that they are judgmental and don't are about you. If they had the chance they would remove every person that looks "ghetto". I don't feel like everyone is watching me when I'm in Oakland. I can walk around and not have to worry about feeling outta place or anything because everyone or mostly everyone dresses the same and has the same appearance. i like it out there a lot and I'm more comfortable there. I live in Alameda. I hate it because i hate mostly everyone here. Everyone here is fake and i can't relate to any of them. I only have a few friends that know what i mean. 

Response post: Depression

Well thats how i feel and its horrible i hate it but whats the point of doing anything fuck it just a waste of time in my eyes. - Michaels Hulihan

I disagree with you because if u were depressed its not like you can't talk to anyone to get that off your mind. If you really don't pay mind to the problems other people are having and pay attention to yours then you'll be fine. I went through the same things you are going through now. Its hard but if you focus on what you're supposed to do and what you want to do, then u have no time to worry about anybody elses problems. You also mentioned that you barely see your dad. I think you shuld just have a couple days a week to see him. Make plans on seeing him every week and you wont feel like you have no dad. I did that and it helped me a lot. My dad and mom hate eachother but i see both of them equally now. The fighting made me sad because they did it like I wasn't there. I hate hearing what they say to eachother. You need a friend to talk to a relive stress. It keeps your mind off of the bad things and keeps you living in the moment and not worrying about your problems