Monday, January 9, 2012

Reflective essay

   I am not going to write this essay with the topic you chose. I feel that it is a waste of time because we have done nothing in your class. Sure we did some blogs, but they did not even have a topic. They were wat we wanted to write about. I guess that's cool but what are we learning? Absolutely nothing. I'm not going to write an essay for no reason telling you what my grade should be.That's your job to figure out. I honestly just sat there everyday and did nothing. Does that mean I get an F? Everyone sat there and played cards and talked and stuff. I asked around and I seem to be one of the only people in the class with a bad grade. Yet, I wasn't the only one complaining about the lack of being taught.
I was in class more than you were. Ok, you had some medical problems or whatever. That still does not excuse the lack of teaching when you were here. I have nothing to write about. You want us to show examples of our writing in this essay. Well even if I did that does not help because I got no feedback from any of my posts besides the ones you had a problem with. If everyone did all the posts then why is there people in the class with lower grades then A's. You have not gave us work for a long time. On schoolloop it says we haven't had an assignment since October.Sitting down and reading a book for the whole period is not teaching us anything. I've done all my blogs so I should have an A. Does that seem fair to you? I think its fair considering I haven't learned anything in your class.

I am not happy with this final assignment. Do you understand what you're doing? You are making everyone write an essay telling you what our grade in the class should be. Of course everyone is going to say that they should pass. In this case its true. You do not have enough work in the books, so if we fail this assignment because its not up to your 'high standards' that will put a non-passing or non-satisfying grade on our report card. I have a D for some reason. Saying that I'm going back to the point I made two sentences ago. I have no idea why I have a D. You never came up to me and talked to me about my writing besides twice. You made negative comments on two of my blogs. Ok well I was being marked off on gramer and other things that made my grade go down. You have standards for how the writing should be but never tell us what they are. The only reason I found that out was because my mom came in too have a conference. You then told me I have to make my writing so people wont be offended. I understand, but I could not make up all the fifteen or so before that. Which killed my grade. Also, shortly after the conference you stopped blogging for good. We had no work in the class besides the little play we read.

I don't understand why you chose the topic you did for this essay. It confuses me that you would do such a thing. You are making us reference our good grade that we want to work we have done since the school year started. Ok, that would be fine if we had work to refer to that wasn't just from the first two months of school. And not just that, the work we did was whatever we wanted to write about. It had no topic or no meaning to it. You didn't even tell us if what we were writing about was up to our level of writing or anything. For example, I wrote the worst thing I've ever wrote before on my blog for homework one night. Its about drinking Capri sun the juice. I even titled it drinking to make you think it was about alcohol so you would read it and comment or something. I wanted you to tell me I should be writing about something that was more my level, but you never pulled me aside. That showed me that this class is just a waste of my time. If I'm at school then I need to be learning something. If I am not learning anything than I don't have any reason to be there. I'm just sitting there listening to the noise in the class.

We had a substitute mostly every week. Maybe you were here for a week straight but its only a week at the most. You missed a lot of days. When we had a sub we did not even do anything. They didn't even show a movie. Just let us sit there and do nothing for an hour and a half. Why wouldn't you assign work for the sub to give us. I would just sit there with my head on the desk listening to my music. Everyday after your class I was tired. I did not want to go to my next class. I did but I was lazy and sitting back and barely paying attention. I want a class that keeps me awake. I'm not saying overload the work but make it more than we have now. Last year in English class I had a B the whole year. I wanted that to happen this year also but it seems like I can't. I remember things from English class last year. I can't remember what you say ever. When we do have assignments you give us minimal instructions so its confusing and I end up not doing the assignment right. You give us your website because you can't explain what we have to do for an assignment. I would understand more if you went into detail in class instead of telling us to go to your website.

Well this is my essay and its more than a thousand words. This is my reflection of the semester. I hope you find a job that suits you better.

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