Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hide and Seek

   "Five Four Three Two One. Ready or not here I come!" As I step into the darkness of the house I can only see a few things from the moonlight shining in the windows. I can see the floor is wood and to my right is a small table with a a book on it. I can't really tell the color because the moonlight makes everything it shines on look black and white like an old movie. I start feeling around and start looking for my friends. I keep hearing short and quick creeks. I stop for a second to make sure its not me. It seems like they are coming from the second floor, or maybe its from down the hall. So i slowly make my way down the hall. As I'm walking i stick one hand out in front of me so i don't run into anything, and i put the other one to my side so i don't miss anything as i walk by. Suddenly my hand hits something hard. I feel it up and down and realize by the feel its wood. I'm still not sure what it is though. I finally find something that is not wood. Its really cold and I'm pretty sure its metal. It must be a handle. I pull it very slowly but it doesn't want to open. I pull it harder and it jerks open and makes a loud noise that echoed through the quite house. I feel around inside the cabinet but no one is in there. I feel stuff in the cabinet that is soft and thin. I'm pretty sure they are shirts. I get up and keep heading down the hall. After a few seconds I run into the wall at the end of the hall. I guess no one is down here. Time to go upstairs and search more. As I climb the stairs I stop and listen on every step I take. I'm trying to be quite so they don't hear me coming. Halfway up the stairs I look up and see a dark figure run by really quick. I run up the stairs to get him but he is out of sight by the time i get up there. I start making my way down the way I saw the shadow go. This hallway is really narrow. I can touch both walls with my arms spread apart. I feel the first door. Its on my left. As I turn the handle the door flies open and knocks me to the ground. I look up and see the shadow running away. While running the shadow says "You didn't tag me!" I start to think and remember its hide and seek tag.
   "Oh shit!" I yelled as I heard a door shut. I get up and run towards the door. While I'm running i trip over something and it isn't hard but it isn't soft. I get up and realize it was probably a person. He yells in pain but still tries to run. I get up as fast as i can and start running after him. I start thinking that I'm not going to catch him. So i decide to dive and my hand hits his back. I got him! I'm not it anymore. All of a sudden the lights turn on. I yell " I got Jimmy!"

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