Sunday, September 11, 2011


Girls are the worst people to deal with. They think just because they have tits and stuff makes them better than everyone else. The worst part is they think their boyfriend has to be perfect but in reality no one is perfect so get over yourself. And then they aren't even accepting to the only person that likes them. Well I think they shouldn't be so stuck up and give someone a chance. They say they want to kick it and stuff before anything serious. I get that. So you make plans to hang out but then they don't show up. Then the girl you really like turns into the bitch that you hate. And even if you eventually get her it only gets worse. Of course there will be a lot of fun times, but there will also be a lot of fighting. Then when you do something nice for her it's not good enough. You could just leave her but its not like you're not going to think about her. She will run through your mind like never before. You start remembering all the good times you had with her and the bad ones fade away. You see her at school which makes it harder to deal with. So you decide to get back together. All goes good for awhile, but then she starts doing the same things as before. Then you remember the bad things again.You start to feel stupid because you tried to be with her in the first place. You think its your fault that she is like that. In reality you just picked the wrong girl to be with. Girls are fucked up.


  1. Wow, bitter much? we're not all like that, you know. And the same things can be said for guys. Honestly, just wait a few years and you'll see.

  2. I wrote a response post to this if you care to check it out go to my blog @
